
Royal Enfield point setting for ignition timing] ( video 1)

royal Enfield point setting for ignition timing I can provide some general information about ignition timing for Royal Enfield motorcycles, but please note that specific procedures and settings may vary depending on the model and year of your Royal Enfield motorcycle. It's always recommended to consult the owner's manual or a qualified mechanic for precise instructions. The ignition timing determines when the spark plug fires in the combustion cycle. To set the ignition timing on a Royal Enfield motorcycle, you will typically need to adjust the points and the timing advance mechanism. Here's a general procedure that can be followed: 1. Start by locating the points and the timing advance mechanism. The points are usually located behind the alternator rotor, which requires removing the engine side cover. The timing advance mechanism can be found on the side of the engine near the points. 2. Rotate the engine to the specified timing mark. This mark can usually be found on the engine's flywheel or the alternator rotor. Refer to your motorcycle's manual to identify the correct timing mark and the corresponding engine position. 3. Loosen the points plate and move it to adjust the gap between the points. The gap measurement is typically specified in the owner's manual and is often around 0.4 to 0.5 mm. Use a feeler gauge to ensure the correct gap. 4. With the points gap set, you can now adjust the timing advance mechanism. This mechanism controls the advance or retardation of the ignition timing. Again, consult the manual for the specific procedure, as it can vary depending on the model and year of your Royal Enfield. 5. Once the points and timing advance mechanism are correctly set, tighten the necessary bolts and reassemble any removed parts. Please note that the procedure described above is a general guideline, and the specific steps and values may differ for your Royal Enfield motorcycle. It is crucial to consult the owner's manual or seek assistance from a qualified mechanic to ensure accurate and safe ignition timing adjustment.

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